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Monday, October 19, 2009

Long Slow Run

Well, finally I am going to listen to the advice fo all the running guru's and use my slow slow run properly.
A great day for a rtun with the temperature at about 3-4 clecius and the sun shinning bright. A nice easy route for our run today as we headed out teh Lakshore to Oakville. My run today was great as I did most of it with Trish. A benefit for both of us, it speeds her up and it slows me down. The distance is 11k a quite flat. The entire run was done keeping hear rate in the 150 range. As I am not 100% about where my zones are, I ran at that pace as it is not tiring and it provides the intent(based on what the books tell me...)
Now that the weekend is done and another good week of training, I am off for 2 days. Monday I will do some Yoga, but then it is rest time for the lactacte testing on Wednesday. This should be good. I am looking forward to the result and then being able to bring into my training as I move forward. Once I am done my testing, I am starting resistance as well. This will help me in both other traning, as well as the ski season that is coming up quickly.
Talk to you soon with the latest and greatest news in my obsessive chase!

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