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Monday, December 7, 2009

Is it time yet???

So, for those who read my blog you know that I am rather impatient about now waiting for the ski season to start.  So today, in southern Ontario a lot of people were moaning and bitching because it was SNOWING!  Get over it, it is December, it is Canada and guess what, its going to happen some time anyways!  Suck it up!  As you might imagine, I had a shit ass grin on my face all day as the snow fell and the radio talked about the impending snowmagedon this week!  I hope the weather sucks and it snows 2 feet!  I will give all of you who are calling me unmentionable names right now a hint, it is Canada and winter is not going away!  take up a sport or activity that allows you to enjoy the season.  It is the longest we have and you might as well take advantage of it.  Snowshoeing, skiing, cross country, ice fishing, skiing, skating, hockey, hell....we are adults and most of us have lived here are entire lives, you can figure it out!  Stop moaning about, only 3-4 more months!  Enough about that, as you can see from the photo I am ready to go.  ROSSIGNOL provides me skis each winter and today I picked my new ones up, so I am extra excited to get out!
Today wasn't only about good weather.  Over the past 3 weeks I have been pursuing an career opportunity that had somewhat fallen upon me.  It was for a International Sales Director position.  When I started the process I did it to learn about what it involved without a lot of thought.  As the process went forward I became very intrigued with the position although it was a reach from a couple of technical skill sets for me.   I was provided an opportunity to justify the gap and did it effectively.  The process was a great experience to go through.  I participated in 4 interviews that were more detailed that any I have ever done.  In the end the client organization was stuck on wanting an individual that filled one particular skill, which quite honestly I dont have.  I am pleased to have gone through the process, i am still gainfully employed in a position that is awesome.  Thanks to those who gave me the input on the sales manager question a while back!
I started out today on my weekly goal.  Last week I did a ton of swimming without any running.  This week I am going to run 7 days in a row adding 1k to my run each day.  If I do a day and add more, I then have set my new benchmark.  As well as my runs I am going to do at least a couple of swim workouts and continue with the resistance training!   As I am getting further into the training I am seeing where the resistance training will pay off.  Although I hate that workout, I know it will help out in the long run!
Tonight I started out on the core/resistance training.  As much as I hate it, when I start I love the intensity and grueling part of the workout!  Now that I have put it out there, I guess I will have more opportunity to enjoy the feeling!  I also had a great run.  As I said, this week I am going to do 7 days. I started today with a short run(real short) 4k, but, my pace was decent, I was a 4:45-4:50.  for me that is record setting running, something I could  not do 4-5 months ago.  It was a great way to start off my goal for the week.
I hope that your week has started off positive with new challenges to push your limits !  All I can say is embrace them, enjoy them and learn from the experience!


  1. NOICE skis ! Rossi's ( my favourite ) or Heads - or go home !
    We laid beer at the alter of the snow gods ( this weekend ) for Eastern Canada - hope it dumps more and then some. Good luck on the running this week. It's -18 C and I'm about to do a morning run - PLUS a night XC ride tonight ?!

  2. Sorry to hear about the job. I chalk it up to "everything happens for a reason".

  3. Nice skis, I agree with you. Canadians need to suck it up and get out there with a winter hobby! I know I am taking up snowshoeing and cross-country skiing this winter :)
    Have fun running!
