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Thursday, January 28, 2010

out of self imposed training exhile!

I never thought not training would cause me to be a bitchy, moody slug so quickly!  Holy smokes, am I glad that is over!  This week I went inot a 3 day self imposed training exhile.  I was sick and  every bone in my body ached and I let it get me into a crazy tail spin. 
As I have ramped up training, there are days when I have thoughty, a couple of days off would be great!  Now that I have had those days off, it has put things into a new perspective.  I want to train!  I guess some where in the mind of a want to be IM is an obseesive gene requiring pain in order to keep things in a proper balance!  I am so happy to have discovered that.  I am going to pack it inot  my little mind basket so that when I am exhausted it serves as a reminder of how much I enjoy the stress and pain of training and how miserable I am to myself(and likely those around me) when I am not sweating!

This monring I rolled out of bed at 4:50AM to haed out for my Thursday AM run.  It is currently a short one that I do prior to doing a gtreat Yopga session.  THis morning was particularly easy for me.  I suppose the rest as well as the likley benefits of the periodization effect from being off for a few days.  It was great to be out and trotting down the sidewalk for an early start to the day.  With a couple of others, we are trying to gather a run club for early morning outtings, so far it is tough.  Mind you with the temperature at -6C(20F) not many people want to get out of bed at 5AM to run.  As the waether warms up I believe that we wil get a crowd together as there are a lot of runners in teh neighbourhood.  It wil be great, as well as being runners, it will be a good transition and build to a morning ride group for training and coaching!  Following the morning run was my sacred yoga practive, I love it!  This morning was a bit tougher than usual.  I am blaming it on the remainder of this crazy cold, but it got the best of me!  I had to take 3 rest breaks as I thought I was going to pass out.  The practice is about workoing through pain and discomfort, so each time I tought I could get up, I was apparently a little early.  Being a scuker for alittle more pain, I would force myself to try and get through it, only to find myself seeing the room starting to spin and te lights getting dark.  Oh well, it was still a great practice and I look forward to more.
I have written my post prematurely today as I am so excited to be back on my feet training.  I still have a pool workout this afternoon and then out to a Lululemon Yoga for Haiti event tonight!  I am pumped for the rest of the day and some more pain to come! 
I hope you are having a great day and have a smile on your face!  If you dont, take a step back.  Think about how bad it is.......could it be worse????  How bad is it relative to what others are going through??  Will you get home tonight and see your loved ones and get over it??  Likely the answer is YES!  SO SMILE!  Life is tro short to sweat the small stuff!
Part Deux!

Great swim this afternoon!  Did 1800m in 30min, a bunch of length kind of stuff!  Only challenge was that I was not smart enough to learn my lesson about dehydration earlier this month.  As I did Yoga this morning and it was crazy hot I sweat any water that I have been able to restore since I got back to feeling well.  About half way through practice today I started cramping in my feet and it gradually worked its way up my legs.  I dont know how smart it was, but I figured it could happen in a race so I worked my way through it!  So, overall I was very please with my swim.  I compare notes on swimming from the fall when I did a 30 min swim and it is a great improvement.  I have added 300m to my distance in the same time frame.  I did do some 100 repeats today, and with cramps and all(did a couple of lengths without kick) I was managing 1:40-1:45 for 100 repeats.  I am now using that as a benchmark to grow and improve from.  Using drills I have been able to start to bilateral breath,  it does take a lot of time of of a length and it seems much more efficient. My next few weeks will be to work at refining my ability to swim that way all the time.  As I said last week, I am going to focus on form so that I can gain maximum long term benefit and speed once i start training in March!
Well, now time for some food and rest and off to Yoga for Haiti!  Have a great night!  Cheers!


  1. You are making me tired just reading about your Thursday and its only 1pm!

    Once the warmer weather arrives, more peeps will join you in the early am...we are heading into a cold snap, so bundle up when you're out there.

  2. i'm feeling better already after just reading your post and sipping on my theraflu...thank you! have fun at yoga tonight!

  3. Your swimming speed amazes me. I can't believe how fast you have become from just starting. I think you may have missed your calling. I can only imagine how fast your going to be in a year or two. I'm going to have to start calling you Johnny Phelps.

  4. brrrr that is cold-d-d- sounds like my run this evening. I'm not that motivated 450 is too early for me :) But it does take a certain personality to do all this crazy training!

  5. I couldn't go down an 1800 meter water slide in 30 minutes... GREAT stuff JF! What the heck are you going to do when you've become "..more efficient."?

  6. Nice! Bilateral breathing is a good thing.. I remember teaching myself too and even though it stinks at the time, it really is so much better for your neck/back etc. It will make you so much more balanced in the long run! Great job!
