The new Adventure has Started!!!

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Here goes!

Another exciting day!  WOW, this drug never wears off!
An early morning bike ride, a swim in the lake that was still rough as could be and then the preperation! 
I spent 1-2 hours getting my bags ready before heading up to drop the bike off.  Making sure that I was not bringing stuff for nothing but amking sure I was prepared for it properly!
The bike and bag drop is awesome!  So much bike and tri porn live right in front of your very eyes!  Hundreds or thousands of mg of adrenaline screaming through veins and through the air,  the excitment is palpable.  The emotion is also very amazing.  Dropping the bike on the rack and taking a step back to realize what it means.  It was a great moment! 364 days and it is go time!
Dropping off the the bags is an even greater feeling of being there!  Each transition bag in its proper spot on the floor where it will be handed to me tomorrow.  Next time I see any of those spots I will be running through sweating like an athlete.
The rest of teh day was spent unwinding!  I went for a great nap, following my instincts.  I felt tired and was out for 1.5 hours.  I went for a walk out to an empty field.  I spent 20-30 minutes out there on my back eyes closed towards the sky.  An awesome time to reflect on the past year.  The things I have acocompished in the process.  It has been amazing, all the new friends, in person and in the blog world.  The new healthy way that I have found, the new awesome habits that I have formed.  The opportunity to learn a ton about myself and about those around me.  Being able to bring a lot of people along this journey with me to the satart line of their own races.  It has been an opportunity to realzie dreams that are about IM and dreams that are not!
I want to thank all of you  for the inspiration, motivation and direction that you have provided, it has been a huge part of this journey and would not be the same without it!
Time for some sleep!  Next time I am here I will have heard the awesome words!  You know what they are, if you don't, find yourself a friend who does and you to can find this awesome drug called trialthlon and this crazy trip called IRONMAN!


  1. Just landed in MadTown...Ill look for you in Mt Horeb. Do it!

  2. Go John Go!

    Have a great race today :)

  3. OMG, so excited. You will be an Ironman soon :)

  4. WOOHOO! Way to go IRONMAN! You kicked butt out there! I stalked you online and was reliving the experience myself... Hope you're basking in the glory and that the experience was everything you hoped it would be. Can't wait for the race report!
